Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! It’s not too late to celebrate!

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week and it’s not too late to thank your teacher with a little gift. Teachers work for so much more time than us students can even realize! While we’re only here from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, teachers are expected to arrive an hour before the first bell and some of them don’t leave until 3 hours after the final bell ending 7th period! That means some teacher might end up working 12 hours a day! We think our 8 hours on campus is bad enough. Teachers do so much for us, it’s time for us to give a little back. Today we’ll be exploring our top 4 last-minute, always adored Teacher Appreciation gifts you can use to spread appreciation with your favorite teachers!


1. School Supplies

Teachers are constantly in need of school supplies, from paper to expo markers, getting some supplies to help your teacher through the day might just make their day! Many may not be aware at just how much comes out of pocket for supplies.  According to USA Today, the average a teacher spent out of pocket was $479 in 2015.

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2. Coffee!

Just like us, students, teachers need coffee too! So whether it’s a Starbucks gift card, or a bag of coffee beans, you might fill your teacher’s morning with a little bit of happiness (and coffee.)

3. Candy

Now this one is easy, candy can really make anyone jump for joy. But if you want to go above and beyond, try to figure out what your favorite teacher’s favorite candy bar is. They’re sure to appreciate the kind gesture. You could do a cute  candy gram all the rage on Pinterest (like in the picture), but here in high school, I promise you, straight up good candy requires no cutesy note.

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No candy gram needed, unless you feel obliged.

4. Thank You Card

This one is simple, but sweet. It doesn’t cost any money like the first three items on this list, but it can still be meaningful to your teachers. This one is really from the heart, so write away! The more personal, the more meaning it will hold to your teacher. Do not be surprised if you ask 10 years later and your teacher still has your note. They don’t come often, but are always treasured.

There’s so many ways to appreciate teachers this week! So no matter what you do, make sure to thank your teachers for all the hard work they do, it’s sure to bring a smile to their face

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