Video game review: Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite is the newest addition to the Halo franchise. The new game came out with many new features such as an open world campaign, fine-tuning character customization and many more. On Dec. 8, 2021, Halo Infinite was released, developed by 343 Industries and published by Xbox Game Studios.

Master Chief has been the main character of many of the iconic halo games in the series.

New features

  • Grappleshot – a rope shoots from your forearm grabbing the wall pulling you into the air.
  • Shield core – an armor attachment that pushes enemies away from you.
  • Open world campaign – the campaign is a massive map for you to explore and find everything you need.
  • New weapons – VK78 Commando, CQS48 Bulldog, Cindershot, Mangler, Ravager, Plasma Carbine, Disruptor, Heatwave, Shock Rifle, Stalker Rifle, Skewer. These are all of the new weapons introduced into the halo universe.
  • Battle Pass – A line of progression rewards.
  • Weapon charms – small charms hanging on the weapons.

Clearly, there are many new features coming with Halo Infinite, giving the game more depth and playability. These new features give the game more life; the player base will be able to play the game longer without getting bored with it.

Other reviews

Mark Serrals – “I stared at the screen and checked my phone for the time: 2 a.m. I’d been playing for hours at this point. The credits wrapped, and Halo Infinite placed me back in its open world. Normally this would feel like a good time to sign off, but I couldn’t. I had side quests to complete. This fight wasn’t gonna finish itself.”

PCMag – “Halo Infinite pushes the franchise forward with a deep, open-world campaign, and includes multiplayer modes that recapture the classic games’ satisfying game feel and matchmaking experience.”

Edwin Evans-Thirlwell – “This is old-school Halo blasting, through and through.”

Many people find the game exciting and “hard to put down;” the reception from this game seems to be overall positive.


Halo Infinite was expected to do poorly after its delayed release; however, it performed as one of the most outstanding games of 2021. With over 81 million copies sold ,it shot well above expectations and brought in almost $6 billion. On its first day after release, the player count went all the way up to 272,586 according to SteamDB.

Final thoughts

The game has done very well to draw in new players and bring them back into the halo universe, possibly riving the industry and further proving that there is still room for this franchise to grow. The fans of the older games are excited to see the younger players’ new interest. I am truly excited to see where 343 Industries takes this game and how they continue to improve.

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